Our company, as a Customs Assistance Center, supports the most varied categories of businesses when they need fiscal and customs support.
Origin of goods, summary statements, intra-EU sales and purchases, In.Co.Terms, product labeling, customs classification, and letters of credit are just some of the many subject matters on which we are able to provide training courses tailored to the needs of our customers.
Our customs brokers, professionals enrolled in the CNSD (National Council of Customs Forwarding Agents) register are ready to provide training courses and workshops directly at the customer’s premises.
Setting up the correct customs regimes, the submission of applications to the Customs Agency Central Office, and the identification of product classifications are all part of the added value that Errek can provide today: consulting services based on 50 years of experience.
For half a century, small, medium and large companies in a wide variety of sectors have relied on our professionalism embodied by the constant commitment that has allowed us to establish ourselves as a leader in the customs sector in North-Eastern Italy.

Errek S.r.l. - Via S.Sebastian 11, 38121 Trento - P.IVA 01878690229 Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy